Family Home Evening – Drawing Closer To God


Tonight for FHE, our lesson will be taken from Elder Terence M. Vinson’s conference address this past October entitled Drawing Closer To God.  It is a great talk, and one that I feel is important to discuss with the kids.  
I especially love the stories that he tells.  I’ll tell the kids the story about the boy smoothing out the dirt area behind his house, and also the story about the grassland fire.  Good ones!
We will talk about our individual relationships with God.  Are we moving closer to Him?  Or is He sometimes far from the thoughts and intents of our hearts?  (Mosiah 5:13)
All this, while we are driving to the bowling alley for some family night fun!  
Happy Monday night everyone!

A huge believer in “if you’re not pretty on the inside, then you’re not pretty on the outside!” Wife, mother of 5, model, actress. Sharing things that bring JOY.

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Julie Dastrup
11 years ago

Well dang it, this wants me to do this lesson myself tonight LOL. Maybe if i have to teach again, i will have to pull this out of the archives 🙂 You have such great ideas! I will be doing the “secret servers” lesson tonight still though. Thank you for your help on it!

11 years ago

You are so cute Julie! Thanks for the sweet comments, you are such a doll! I can't wait to hear how it went! You'll have to for sure let me know! Love you 🙂

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