Happy Holidays!


It’s time to start thinking about what your holiday outfit is going to look like.

And I’m super excited because today I am joining some other darling bloggers and we are talking holiday style!

We’re smack in the middle of Christmas prep time and right along with the gift checklist and gingerbread houses is WHAT TO WEAR!

Don’t worry, I have the answer for you and it’s these sequin leggings.

holiday outfit

I mean, really.

Nothing says “holidays” and “festive” quite like a darling pair of sequin leggings, right??

They are true to size, they have nice stretch, and they are right under $25!

It’s a total win!

holiday outfit

If you prefer, you can drop the level a bit and wear some cute flats in place of heels.

Flats with a fun color would be my choice.

holiday outfit

holiday outfit

Another suggestion…

If you are staying in and want something a little less formal than a blazer, this darling Slit Sleeve Blouse would be the perfect thing to top off your outfit!

holiday outfit

And don’t worry, if you’re not a silver gal, it comes in 3 other colors.

holiday outfit

Isn’t it flirty and fun?

You can find the Slit Sleeve Blouse HERE.

And code “cammi” can ALWAYS get you 10% off any order on the website.

At anytime.

holoday outfit

In reality…

Let’s be truthful now.

With the way things are in the world this year, most likely we will not be having parties laced with hors d’oeuvres and game nights with the friends.

We will be sitting at home, playing games with the family.

So my holiday outfit will in reality look more like this:

holiday outfit

Because you can BET that even though I’m in a comfy sweatshirt, I’ll be sporting these fantastic leggings!!!

This cute sweatshirt is not available in white anymore, but HERE it is in black and that would be just as cute!

holiday outfit

holiday outfit

I hope this has given you a little inspiration for YOUR holiday outfit!

But if you need more ideas you’re in luck because I’ve got friends, ladies!!

Friends with great style!

Darcy, Lisa, Michelle, and Cindy are all sharing their holiday outfits today too!

Click on their photos to go straight to their blog!

Happy holidays and tell me what YOUR holiday outfit will look like!

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A huge believer in “if you’re not pretty on the inside, then you’re not pretty on the outside!” Wife, mother of 5, model, actress. Sharing things that bring JOY.

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D'Arcy m vandenberg
4 years ago

Happy Holiday’s! I love these leggings…I have in gold! So cute!

4 years ago

Adorable, Cammi! I’ll definitely be opting for the sweatshirt topper this year … party in the bottom, cozy up top! xo

4 years ago

I love your Sequin leggings!
Even if we’re not going to any parties this year we should still dress up at home!
I love dressing up for any occasion and pray that next year we’re going to be celebrating the holidays going to lots of parties!

Merry Christmas!

Lisa Richardson
4 years ago

Could you be any cuter? (I’ll tell you the answer is NOOOO) Those leggings were made for you and your cute little figure. Love it!!! XOXO

4 years ago

The leggings look gorgeous!
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jodie filogomo
jodie filogomo
4 years ago

I can’t tell you how much I’m itching to get some sequin leggings now Cammi. Shame on you for enabling me, LOL

Cindy Farley Hannam
4 years ago

Ok Cammi! I want it all! J’adore! The sequin leggings are Fabulous for the holidays! Gimme all the sparkle! :)Cindyh

Michelle Averitt
4 years ago

Those leggings are perfect!!! Love how you dressed them up and down.

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