This morning’s walk was absolutely refreshing! A light rain was falling, I had just eaten a great breakfast, and the air smelled DIVINE!!! As I walked, feeling so good and smelling the fragrant air, I began thinking about heaven.
I was thinking about some sweet family members who have passed on and I got wondering what they were doing at the exact moment! What were they doing right at the same time that I was thinking about them? What were they doing? What was occupying their time? Were they watching me? Could they feel my happiness? I know that heaven is a wonderful place, and the joy is incomprehensible for us here on earth. However, in this moment, in the rain, with my dog, I couldn’t imagine my loved ones having near as great a time as I was having right then. I breathed in another deep breath of fresh, spring air.
I know, these pictures don’t look SUPER FUN do they? Ha! But what you can’t see in these pics is how great I felt!
It’s so nice to feel great! Everything was perfect, and I was perfectly happy on my little walk. I came to the conclusion that I guess the point is that we should always be content in the moment. Recognize the moment, see the little things, smell the air, and breathe.
Take a deep breath, fill those lungs with air, and have a great day!