For our final day in Chicago we wanted to see the city via the river and it was one of our favorite things that we did! The gorgeous fall weather Chicago was certainly not typical according to the locals, but it was perfect for us to do all the sight seeing that we wanted.
The guide told us all kinds of interesting things about the architecture and the history of these buildings. It was so fascinating!
One interesting thing.. he told us how the pollution of the river has been upgraded from it’s former state. It’s no longer toxic, now it’s just filthy. Just look how pleasant; these kayakers are having the time of their lives on this “filthy” water. Isn’t that nice? 😉

Still can’t get enough of this boy’s face.
This is one of my favorite buildings, look how it under cuts at the bottom! It’s an engineering masterpiece!
Below is one of my favorite pictures because it shows the personality of my family. I was kind of squatting down to see if I could get my family in the picture as well as the top of that humongous skyscraper in the back and they were mimicking me. 🙂
Then it was on to the Natural History Museum which was fascinating and HUGE! Our feet were killing us by the time we were finished.
I had Rick stand next to this exhibit who actually reminded me of his brother!
So lifelike!! But a little creepy.
And this was fun, Sam has a picture of himself in this exact spot while he was serving his mission.
This was interesting, 106 headless and armless legs. The sculpture is called Agora.
Time for a rest and ice cream.
Can’t imagine being a female cop in Chicago, bless their tough little hearts!
Photo opportunities around every corner!
That was our last day in Chicago. The next day we flew out, but while waiting at the airport we remembered there was one last thing we hadn’t done and that was to experience the famous “Chicago Dog!” Thankfully there was a Gold Coast Dogs at the airport so the boys got one. As delicious as that sounded …. (not really)… I ordered a salad. 🙂
It was such a fun vacation traveling with the family for the first time altogether on an airplane! It’s times like these that I will forever cherish, and I’m so thankful that I have an awesome little family of wonderful people who I love.
As much fun as it is to see the wide world, it’s even better coming back to this little corner of the world that I call “home.” We have so much to be thankful for and I count my blessings every day, and one of those is that we took the chance to see Chicago together.
Great memories!
I’m curious which brother that caveman reminded you of? ????
Haha!!! Julie, you know the answer to this question, don’t you! 🙂