I hope everyone had a Happy Thanksgiving!
I know I did! 🙂
Today we find ourselves back to real life.  
That’s a good thing.  I think I’ve already gained 5 holiday pounds!  

Now we can get back on a good healthy eating schedule, with healthy proportions.  I love overeating!  But I also love to balance it out. 

After I had my 3rd baby, I found myself overly tired, overly stressed, and about 30 pounds overweight!  I knew there were many pills, drinks, shakes, and countless weight loss programs available, but I didn’t want to take time to study them all.  Plus, I couldn’t hop on a weird weight loss program that would not be family friendly, because I had NO time to make dinner for me and then make something else for the family.

Not only was I stressed… I had NO time for sleep.  My baby wasn’t sleeping, and I had two busy toddlers who needed me during the day.


So, I walked into the local health food store and asked the owner to point me in the direction of some way to lose the weight in an easy, yet healthy way.  He did not even flinch, gave me the “come here finger” and walked me over to the books.  He picked one out and handed it to me.  I bought it, took it home, read it in one day and have used the concept ever since.  
Ever since, I tell you! 
 It is my anchor! 
 It is my secret! 

 It is how I have been able to have 2 more children and still fit into my “pre-children” clothes.

Now, I’m out of baby making mode, but I still have those times when I out-eat my entire family.  
And when I do……
I go back to “THE BOOK.”   
Thanksgiving is one of those times!! 


And this, my friends, is one of the recipes from the book that I’ve eaten more than I can count.  It’s delicious, super simple, and is perfect for lunch the day AFTER a huge meal.  

(Perfect with leftover Thanksgiving turkey!)

 It’s like a little gift! 
To you.
You are welcome.  🙂

 *This recipe is just enough for a one-person lunch.  You can adjust the ingredients as you would like.  

Turkey Waldorf Salad
    • 1/2 cup cubed or sliced turkey breast meat


    • 2 Tbs. diced celery


    • 10 red or green seedless grapes, cut in half


    • 1 whole apple, diced


    • 1 Tbs. mayonnaise, safflower or regular


Mix all ingredients together.  Add a dash of lemon juice and toss to coat.

Enjoy!  Let me know if you try it~
Have a great day!!

Hey there, so glad you're here!




    A huge believer in “if you’re not pretty on the inside, then you’re not pretty on the outside!” Wife, mother of 5, model, actress. Sharing things that bring JOY.

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    Melissa R
    11 years ago

    Sooo…. are you going to share the title of the book?

    Cammi Allen
    11 years ago

    Of course! Sorry I left that out! The title is 40-30-30 Fat Burning Nutrition, by Joyce and Gene Daoust. I've heard from others that it may be out of print now, (I got mine 15 years ago) however, you can find many other books based on the same 40-30-30 principle.

    Thanks for the reminder!!

    Thank you so much for being here, I appreciate you stopping by my blog! You can also find me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and YouTube.
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