what supplements

Here it is!

A couple of weeks ago when we went live to talk about all things beauty, one of the questions that were asked by several people was, what supplements do you take?

The Chit Chat Chic girls and I decided we would do a blog post all about our health supplements.

So be sure to check the other ladies out at the end of this post and see what they are doing on their blogs today!



I am a fashion and lifestyle blogger… I am NOT a doctor.

The things that I will list here are what “I” use.

Most of these products have been recommended to me by my primary care doctor and my naturopathic doctor.

These are just recommendations and everybody’s needs are different, so please seek advice from your own doctor before using these products.

There… had to get that out of the way.

Now, let’s get on to the good stuff!


What supplements do I use?

  • First thing in the morning I have to take my thyroid pill.  My doctor has me on Levothyroxine.
  • Need a good multivitamin?  My naturopathic doctor recommends Smartie Pants gummies. I love them!  They are delicious and easy to take. I look forward to them every day!
  • Calcium is very important, especially at my age but really, any age!  Cal Mag Fizz was recommended to me and I love the lemon-lime flavor. Because you need magnesium in order to absorb the calcium.  This is a good one, trust me!
  • Prebiotics and probiotics daily are very important as well. Currently, I am using Losers Chews and I love them so much! They are like a treat and yet have so many good benefits.
  • Right along with gut health, I used to drink apple cider vinegar in the evening for all the health benefits.  I still take apple cider vinegar but in gummy form, WITH THE MOTHER. Goli Gummies are the BOMB. You taste the apple, not the vinegar, and 2 gummies = 1 ACV shot.
  • Natural Factors Vitamin C is really good and my kids and I have always loved these wafers… best wafers out there!
  • In the winter, I ALWAYS supplement with Vitamin D.  I had several pharmacists tell me that I could take up to 10,000 iu’s per day in the winter, here in northern Utah.
  • Collagen is an important supplement that all women should be taking.  It’s good not only for hair, skin, and nails, but also for bones, heart, joints, and fine lines and wrinkles.  Yu Beauty Collagen has optimized collagen peptides, 19 organic fruits, and TONS of good vitamins including A, C, E, B6, B12, and more!
  • When I learned that I had high blood pressure, instead going on HBP medication, my naturopathic doctor put me on Magnesium and it dropped my blood pressure instantly! I will never stop supplementing with Tri-Magnesium.
  • The last supplement, and one that I swear by, is a good Natural Progesterone Cream.  I know that is why I don’t have hot flashes or suffer from any of the menopausal symptoms that can be so irritating for women.  It is NOT a prescription, it is a natural product.  Again, you should do your homework when it comes to hormones.  I have never been on HRT, only this cream since I was in my 30’s. Most women do not have enough progesterone in their bodies…not PROGESTINS (those are synthetic.) Progesterone.

What supplements are you taking… any of the same?

what supplements

Smartie Pants  |  Natural Progesterone Cream  |  Yu Beauty Collagen  |  Vitamin D  |  Goli Gummies  |  Vitamin C  |  Cal Mag Fizz Magnesium Losers Chews 



Be sure to check out the other ladies and see all of their good ideas!


Thank you so much for being here, I appreciate you stopping by my blog!

You can also find me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and YouTube.


Hey there, so glad you're here!



    A huge believer in “if you’re not pretty on the inside, then you’re not pretty on the outside!” Wife, mother of 5, model, actress. Sharing things that bring JOY.

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    […] Dear D’Arcy Poised Petite CoasttoCoast2 Cammis Happy Place […]

    D'Arcy m vandenberg
    3 years ago

    Cammi, We take some of the same things and it was interesting to see the other things you take. Enjoyed this post! OX, D’Arcy

    3 years ago

    Thanks for sharing such an informative article… these are some essential supplements for women.
    <a href=”https://www.beautyandfashionfreaks.com”>Beauty and Fashion</a>/<a href=”https://www.rampdiary.com”>Rampdiary</a>/<a href=”https://www.glamansion.com”>Glamansion</a>

    Kathrine Eldridge
    3 years ago

    Thanks for sharing these supplements! I love the gummies you shared.


    Lisa Richardson
    3 years ago

    I love gleaning info from people I trust!!! Thanks for sharing what you’re using and working for you. XOXO

    Michelle Averitt
    Michelle Averitt
    3 years ago

    Love all this helpful information! Thanks for sharing! We take a lot of the same things.

    Leslie Susan Clingan
    3 years ago

    We have been toying with the idea of starting Goli. And I just began taking collagen. Thought it was just good for skin, nails and hair. Glad to read it has other benefits.

    Cindy Hannam
    3 years ago

    Cammi, so many great supplement options here! I haven’t tried the Goli gummies, but they are on my list to buy!!!

    Thank you so much for being here, I appreciate you stopping by my blog! You can also find me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and YouTube.
    Would love your thoughts, please comment.x