From Mullet To Missionary…Part 1

 This cute boy needs a haircut!

No, wait…let me find a more current picture…

Am I right??
I just think he’s so cute, with short hair or long.  Can I just take a minute and say how much fun it is to have teenagers?  I’m especially proud of this boy, who is turning into such a remarkable man!  We spent today taking his senior pictures, (more on that in tomorrow’s post) and are anxiously anticipating his high school graduation this Spring.  Following graduation, he will serve a 2 year, full time mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Back to the hair…
I have been cutting my kids’ hair for most of their lives, and yes even the mullets.
But it takes a little bit of skill I think, to cut it
“from mullet to missionary.”
So I got on youtube this afternoon to watch a few videos, and I felt pretty confident.

Sam didn’t feel like going cold turkey on the hair, instead he wanted baby steps.  So we just trimmed out the mullet nicely today, for the weekend, and the rest will come off in true missionary style next week.
Here is a picture he snapped of Stage 1:

Nice mullet, eh?

We’re almost halfway there.  Stay tuned for Stage 2!  I have to say, it was a little hard to part with those beautiful, flowing locks.  I almost wanted to gently pick one up off the floor and wrap it in plastic wrap like my mother did with mine.
When I was two.
Don’t worry I didn’t….that would be strange.  But what if I told you I still had his umbilical cord in my closet?


Have a great day!



A huge believer in “if you’re not pretty on the inside, then you’re not pretty on the outside!” Wife, mother of 5, model, actress. Sharing things that bring JOY.

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