My first mammogram + a giveaway

Do you have a story?

First, I noticed a change in one of my breasts and was a little scared when my gynecologist told me that I needed to have my first mammogram.

And not just a screening…. but a diagnostic mammogram.


Of course in my mind I began thinking about all the ways my life would change if they found something scary.

I didn’t “feel” like there was anything there.

I didn’t “feel” super worried.

But can you always trust your feelings?  Especially when it comes to cancer.

What IF they find something???


Of course I was hoping that the diagnosis would show that all was well.  Unfortunately, not every woman gets that reassurance, as statistics today show.


I realized how instantly my life would look different; if I had breast cancer.  How my outlook on things would change!  Would my life be cut short?? My heart goes out to all the families who have been presented with news that actually has changed their lives.  In a BIG way.


For this reason, I am thrilled to be partnering with Susan G. Komen to help educate people about cancer.  It’s a timely cause for me and it’s been weighing on my heart recently.

Listen to this: The goal of the organization is to reduce the current number of breast cancer deaths by 50% by the year 2026!  What a GREAT goal!!!  Especially when you hear statistics like these:


In 2019, it’s estimated that among U.S. women and men there will be*:


  •  268,600 new cases of invasive breast cancer
  •  41,760 breast cancer deaths


  • 2,670 new cases of invasive breast cancer
  • 500 breast cancer deaths

Consider yourself invited!

Join the organizations efforts by entering a meaningful giveaway.  Click HERE to enter to win this beautiful chaser!


my first mammogram + a giveaway

As a matter of fact it has been designed specifically for the Susan G. Komen organization by ORCA, the Outdoor Recreation Company of America. It is only available through this promotion, and they are giving away roughly 250 of them!   Simply sign up for a quarterly newsletter to be sent to your email, plus a few other EASY ways to get additional entries!  I am definitely on their email list now!

The more we know, the more we can help educate our loved ones!

Click HERE to enter.


To summarize my experience, check out this video of my big day at the mammography clinic.  🙂






A huge believer in “if you’re not pretty on the inside, then you’re not pretty on the outside!” Wife, mother of 5, model, actress. Sharing things that bring JOY.

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