Sticky Popcorn Balls

sticky poopcorn balls

Sticky popcorn balls are one of my favorite snack recipes ever!  Not just because they are the perfect thing to satisfy a sweet tooth, but also because they are the quickest little things to make.  I have taken these to family reunions, picnics, potlucks, bake sales, and once I made 70 of them in one afternoon for the whole Primary!  

One thing I absolutely love about these, is that the sticky stuff isn’t so sticky that your teeth stick together.  It won’t pull fillings out.  It’s not that “hard sticky”.  You know?  Sometimes when I’m feeling lazy, I won’t even shape them into balls.  I just eat it straight out of the bowl. 
If you would like, you can use microwave popcorn to make them even quicker AND easier.  I always pop my own popcorn, but once we were at a youth activity, and a good friend brought some popcorn balls that were SO GOOD.  So I asked her for her recipe, and it was this same recipe!  The only difference was that she used microwave popcorn.  

 Either way, it’s good stuff. 

Make some for your kids today!

(and for YOU…lets be honest)

Sticky Popcorn Balls

1 cube butter
1/2 cup brown sugar
2 cups mini marshmallows
Popped corn (about 10 rounded cups)

Melt butter.  Over medium heat, stir in brown sugar until it’s not sugary and blends together.  Add the marshmallows, stirring constantly until they are all melted.  Pour over popped corn and stir until coated.  Coat hands with butter and form into balls. Let set on wax paper.  

*I always double this recipe!  It will make approximately 16 popcorn balls, depending on the size you like. 


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A huge believer in “if you’re not pretty on the inside, then you’re not pretty on the outside!” Wife, mother of 5, model, actress. Sharing things that bring JOY.

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