Wake Up Early

Seeing this picture reminds me of warmer days!  I took this picture last spring after waking up and watching the sun rise above the mountain in front of our house.  It was so pretty that I vowed to continue waking up early, even during summer vacation. 

I love to wake up early.  I love the silence.  I love to greet the day before the sun comes up.  I love to exercise in the morning.  I love the feeling of productivity when I get an early start to the day.  I love looking over my goals in the quietude of the morning.  Is “quietude” a word?

My mornings right now certainly look a lot different than this, covered in snow and ice.  But I still enjoy mornings, especially after the Christmas holiday when school starts back up and we get on a schedule again.  There is something that rings true to that old saying,
“Early to bed, early to rise,
Makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.”

I am trying to improve a little however, after reading about how sleeping longer after pushing the snooze button actually makes you feel worse, instead of better.  So, I am up the first time now. 😉

Life is good.
But it’s even better in the early morning. 




A huge believer in “if you’re not pretty on the inside, then you’re not pretty on the outside!” Wife, mother of 5, model, actress. Sharing things that bring JOY.

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